Not feeling it today, but not willing to give up, either.
How can I pursue healthy, vegetarian/vegan meals when I don't particularly like vegetables?
About three hours later...
In an attempt to redirect myself, I logged into Netflix with the specific goal of watching a movie to inspire me. One that would remind me of why I want to eat healthy, why I want to work out, and why I want to start practicing what I preach.
I ended up with Food Fight, the documentary and am *so* glad I did. It was extremely well done, positive, and inspiring. Alice Waters comes off as a down to earth foodie who did not set out to start a food revolution, but simply wanted to share her love of good, real food. It talks about the politics of food and the history of farming and convenience foods in America, but never takes a doomsday tone. No over-the-top threatening music, no lecturing. Simply good, educational conversation.
I'm back on track now, and starting to put together my plans for the upcoming week.
Heck yeah.
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