Thursday, July 4, 2013


These last few weeks have been some of the worst I have experienced in my life. I suppose I should count my blessings that this is the worst it has been, but at the same time I cannot excuse it and cannot allow it to continue.

Starting with the suicide of one of my dearest friends and the animalistic drama following, adding in the concern that my beloved grandfather may be getting tried for murder following an accident in which his daughter, my aunt, was killed (as if he hasn't suffered enough), adding in numerous instances where my faith in community and mankind has been repeatedly crushed...well, I am simply starting to fall apart at the seams myself.

I am somewhat unsure how to proceed. I know that I have to regroup, but it seems like such a monstrous task.

There are certain things that I know will help, such as yoga, meditation, and healthful eating. I am going to spend some time putting myself first for once.